VR Films Customized Service
VR Virtual Experience Training System for Electric Safety Accidents
This project is to appear the accident at scene, it can make students enjoy realistic experience about the injuries and damages; the viewers can see all kinds of breakdown during the simulation of real scene, they start to analyse the cause of accident&enhance their safety awareness, learn more safety knowledge and skills, It has created an incomparable effect in electric safety education, compared to the traditional way.
VR Architectural Education
Adopting the VR technology, it can create the real training scenes about construction projects. It will be able to solve a series of problems about traditional construction training, such as hard training, high risk, large consumable wastes, long cycle time, etc. Students can carry out construction and installation training in this virtual environment, they will find out existing problems firstly, through multiple trainings, they will master the correct methods of operation. 9d vr movies can make students gain the experimental experience at home, which is same as in the real environment, so it can deepen students' understandings for experimental teaching contents.Best VR Films Contents Production
Yingda 4DMAX Professional VR Film Production Teams&VR Cinema Hardware Production Plant---Create the Ultimate Realistic Simulation Experiences in VR Industry
Yingda has our own professional VR production teams for film contents, VR cinema hardware production plant and skilled in efficient project implementation, we are committed to creating the ultimate simulation experiences&supply our professional VR virtual reality films for customers.